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推荐一个“黑科技”解码一体机——英国和弦Chord DAVE
来自 : 个人图书馆 发布时间:2021-03-24




小巧、华丽、沉稳,不可思议的简单组合,来自英国老牌CHORD和弦的新旗舰级产品——DAVE解码 (Digital to Analogue Veritas in Extremis 解码终极真理?)。


先来转几段有代表性的言论,来自米国网友Romaz。他是论坛一个爱听现场的耳机大烧,法国某HIEND解码品牌大粉丝,听过用过各档次组合,拥有六件套,另外还买过PS Audio、Bricasti等一大堆旗舰解码和数播、耳放、耳机。他最近订了一台DAVE。


有人问Romaz DAVE和法国六件套的区别?

romaz, what do you think the differences between Dave and D1 monobloc?

They share similar strengths, meaning an enthralling sense of dimensionality with respect to depth and air and the ability to present spatial cues.Compared to other DACs, it s like 2D vs 3D.They both have very natural, organic presentations.The TotalDac has a slightly more relaxed presentation to my ears, the DAVE a slightly more energeticand focused one.It comes down to personal preference.That the DAVE can do it out of a small chassis with an integrated switching PSU is simply amazing (the TotalDac d1-monobloc requires 6 boxes including the outboard linear PSUs).That the DAVE can do it for half the price of the D1 monobloc is more amazing still.

The TotalDac and Chord DACs are unique in that they are the only DAC companies I am aware of where the manufacturer endorses connection of your headphone to the DAC signal directly without needing an outboard amp and the benefits of this direct signal connection are huge and cannot be overstated.Those who are finding the DAVE to be the best thing they ve ever heard, number of TAPS and Rob s special algorithms aside, I believe this is part of the reason.It is certainly one of the reasons behind the magic of the TotalDac for me.Where the DAVE pulls away from the TotalDac is Rob s ability to make the DAVE immune to the source.While nothing sounds harsh with the TotalDac, the quality of the source definitely matters with it.The TotalDac is reliant on the quality of what is upstream, such as USB cables, grounding, etc.With the DAVE, these seem to be much more minor 3rd order issues.There is a certain high end DAC manufacturer that takes pride in their statement that their DAC is ruthlessly transparent, almost like giving itself an excuse when : music you hear doesn t sound right.With the DAVE, it makes no excuses, what comes out just sounds correct.

Both the TotalDac and DAVE camps will claim superiority over the other and both will have justification for doing so.Personally, I am a fan of both.From the design and engineering to the build quality to the people that make up Chord and TotalDac, you cannot go wrong with either.Ultimately, we speak loudest with our wallets and I have a black DAVE on order.





I had a DAVE on home loan back in November and I connected it to my CAD CAT via Curious USB/USB Regen and it sounded glorious.Because Rob had told me optical should sound almost as good as USB and had mentioned the DAVE was immune to source jitter, I compared the CAD CAT on USB against my Mac Pro on optical and with the identical bit-perfect file, I could not distinguish a difference.With my TotalDac d1-monobloc, the difference was obvious and the CAD CAT was clearly superior.

我十一月的时候申请了一台DAVE回家试听,连上CAD专机,USB口加上了Curious USB/USB Regen,声音棒极了。因为Rob和我说光纤听起来几乎和USB一样好,DAVE对前端Jitter免疫,我用同一音乐文件对比了CAD专机的USB口和MAC PRO的光纤口,听不出什么区别。通过法国六件套对比,区别非常明显,CAD专机完胜。

I never thought that I would sell my Totaldac dual with reclocker. But after reading Romaz comparison between Totaldac and Dave I changed my mind.
After getting the Dave yesterday and just 30 hours of burn in I already can see/hear that it was the right decision. The Dave has more detail and much more energy in the midths without sounding bright. It is actually much more smooth sounding than the Totaldac (without loosing some detail). I am curious to see how much the Dave will change with more burn in. Hard to believe that it will sound even smoother.
It drives my HD800 (Anax mod) without any problems and the headphone amp is so versatile that even my Grado GH-1 and my IEMs (!) Oriolus sounds fabulous from it. Even getting the Ether C soon.


我昨天拿到的Dave,仅仅30小时煲机,我已经看到/听到,这是个正确的决定。Dave的中频有了更多细节,更多“能量感”,而且听起来一点不亮。实际上,他听起来来比法国解码自然顺滑得多(much more)(而且不损失细节)。我很好奇经过更长时间煲机后会到什么程度。很难想象,如果它还能变得更细腻顺滑。

他推动我的HD800(Anax mod版本)没有任何问题,它的耳放太全面,甚至我的Grado GH-1和我的Iems Oriolus听起来都棒极了。准备很快入Ether C。






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2016-2-21 22:12:55


本帖最后由 yamuling 于 2016-3-7 19:11 编辑

Chord DAVE设计师Rob Watts论坛言论节选:


What people don t understand is that a DAC internally is a RF noise hell (and moreover is signal correlated too) - and this is several orders of magnitude more noisy than the noise you get from a properly designed PSU. That is where the effort goes into - the internal nodes in the DAC, where people don t see, appreciate or understand the difficulties.



Dave has a single FPGA, with about ten times the capacity of Hugo s. I don t know where 4 came from, that would have been the DAC 64.
It controls everything, including the display, which means that apart from the USB decoder (which is not on Dave s ground as its galvanically isolated), there are no other digital processing devices. This way I get the lowest possible noise, with everything running from the crystal oscillator. That said, it was a pain creating my own font generator to drive the display.




I am sure there is some compromise in using a linear power supply - in fact I know there are compromises.

Perhaps I should explain.

When developing Hugo in 2012 I had to use switching regulators (battery life issues) rather than linear ones, as we all know linear regulators sound better don t they?

Funny thing was, in testing and listening, the switching regulators sounded a lot smoother and darker with much better sound-stage depth.

Also the DAC measured a lot better too, particularly with very small signals. I now know exactly why this happened, and why they sound better and exactly why they measure better within a DAC.

Moral of the tale? Don t make assumptions based on what you think is happening, do the work, do the measuring, and do the rigorous listening tests. Then you find out that things are not as simple as you think, and you find out that previous certainties were mere assumptions.







0 is no crossfeed; 1 is min, 3 is max.
As to cross-feed - I prefer 3, its closer to loudspeaker perspective.



Now the problem is definitely not jitter from the source - my DAC s can tolerate 2uS of jitter and it will have zero difference to the measurements - also the USB is isochronous asynchronous so the timing comes from the DAC clock, so source jitter is not a problem.
So I looked into the issue of different SQ with sources and found two sources of error:
1. RF noise.
2. Correlated current noise.
So the solution to the above problems is galvanic isolation. This means that RF noise from the source can t get into Dave, and small correlated currents can t get in too. And this approach gave two benefits - much smoother sound quality, and a deeper soundstage.

Now with Dave I can no longer hear which source is connected, but before without the galvanic isolation it was easy to hear. Additionally, optical sounds almost identical to the USB, as optical is clearly galvanically isolated too.






Just a thought. Why do other DAC/headphone amps have amp sections when Hugo/Mojo get by without one, and many including Chord say it is more transparent? Have Chord got the patent for ampless amps :-)

A:Because they can t using chip based DAC s. Chip DAC s have two current outputs. So you need two I to V converters (amps) then a differential to single ended amp, then a headphone buffer to deliver the current. You also need a lot of analogue filtering wrapped around these amps. So why are normal DAC s so complex in the analogue domain? Two reasons:


1. Silicon DAC s are horribly noisy, as the substrate and grounds are bouncing around due to switching activity. So to counter this, it is done differentially, which means the ground noise is cancelled. It also hides the problems of the reference circuitry, which can t be made with low enough impedance on silicon. This translates to more distortion, and crucially noise floor modulation.


2. Delta sigma converters run at low rates - best is at 12 MHz - this means that there is a lot of noise that must be aggressively filtered out in the analogue section. This also applies with R2R DAC s too as these have even worse problems due to the very slow switching speed.
2,Delta sigma转换器的速率很低——最高也不过12 MHz——这意味着许多噪音必须靠模拟环节的强力滤波来处理。这也适用于R2R解码,因为切换速率如此之慢,产生的问题只会更严重。

So to run with a single amp section you need the DAC to be single ended and to run the noise shapers at much higher rates to reduce your filtering requirements. Because the analogue section with Mojo is discrete, I can use extremely low impedance and low noise reference supplies - something that is impossible on silicon. This has the other benefit of eliminating noise floor modulation (actually there is a lot more to it than this as there are countless other sources of noise floor modulation in a DAC). To make the filtering easier, the pulse array noise shapers run at 104MHz - over an order of magnitude faster than normal. There are other benefits to running the noise shapers at 104MHz, principally the resolving power of the noise shaper. Now soundstage depth is determined by how accurately small signals are reproduced. The problem with noise shaping is that small signals get lost - any signal below the noise shaper noise floor is lost information. But by running the noise shaper at much faster rates you solve this problem too - indeed Mojo noise shapers exceed 200dB THD and noise digital performance - that s a thousand times more resolving power than high end DAC s.

要同单端放大部分一起工作,DAC必须是单端的,且整形滤波必须处于非常高的频率以减少滤波需求。因为Mojo内部的模拟部分是分立的,我可以使用极端低内阻和低噪音基准的产品——有些硅片完全做不到。另一个好处就是不再需要底噪调制(实际上需要做的远不止这些,解码内还有其他数不尽的底噪调制源)。为了让滤波更简单,脉波阵列噪音整形运行于104MHz——一个数量级地超越一般做法。运行在如此高的频率还有其他方面好处,尤其是噪音整形的分辨率。如今音场深度取决于小信号的还原准确程度。噪音整形产生的问题,就是小信号的损失——信号小于噪音整形本底噪音的就是损失的信息量。但通过把噪音整形运行在极高的速率,你也就解决了问题——实际上,Mojo的噪音整形能超越200dB THD,噪音数字水平——分辨率上成百上千倍地超越那些high end解码。

If I get time today I hope to publish noise floor modulation measurements showing Mojo has zero measured noise floor modulation. This level of performance does not happen on any other non pulse array DAC s at any price, and its the primary reason why Mojo sounds so smooth and musical.




So now we need a battle between the 3 pretenders for Best DAC with a Headphone Out :NAGRA HD DAC, TotalDAC D1-Dual (or Mono) DAVE.Who will win ?
That depends on how one defines best - if best is defined as transparency and musicality then Dave will win easily. I am prepared to bet a brand new Dave against a bottle of Bollinger that Dave will win.






2016-2-21 22:14:21


本帖最后由 yamuling 于 2016-10-10 01:08 编辑

推荐一个“黑科技”解码一体机——英国和弦Chord DAVE






作为多面手的DAVE,不靠“堆料”。它的内部可谓简单,也可以说复杂,随着FPGA技术的不断发展,DAVE可以用十倍于Hugo的性能,去运转独家算法,不再受限于使用第三方DAC芯片,也没有传统Delta Sigma与R2R架构开关速率低的限制。DAVE,甚至连整机控制和字体显示都由同一片FPGA芯片计算,手写程序来完成。这样极度简化的机内线路,才有了前文提及的惊人指标。官方自信宣布DAVE的数字音量,即使用到最大程度的衰减,其信息量与透明度可以超越任何模拟前级。

论坛名人Romaz在试用Dave后,出掉了曾让他感动泪下的六分体天价音源。“As it has become clear to me that what is connected before the DAVE has become less important, what is connected after the DAVE has become even more important.”他点评DAVE,除了招牌的热情与鲜活,音场的纵深与高度(好似2ch音乐出杜比全景声的包围感)、与对前端的免疫才是核心提升。Dave之前用什么转盘和线不再关键,而之后的耳机与音箱系统,却怎么折腾都不过分。

我原先的系统,是美国BRICASTI M1解码、最新款ATC 50ASLT主动版音箱,配上原厂SCA-2前级。作为曾经的耳烧,也留了几副耳机用于夜晚聆听与较音参考。这是一套足够满足我听音需求的简单组合,其中的每个环节都无可取代。去掉前级改用解码直推,钢琴变得拖泥带水,气势全无。不同耳机,需要搭配不同级别的耳放和线……





DAVE的耳机输出是个热门话题。在讨论区被拿去与众多高端耳放PK,传水准不在Eddie Current Balancing Act管机或Simaudio Moon Neo 430HAD晶体管机之下。合适的耳机,则有HE-1000、Hd800s……从Hugo开始,和弦一体机的耳机输出,都用上Direct-to-DAC独有直通解码架构,不再需要额外的耳放线路,也足够推动各路顶级耳机。在耳机界,被玄乎的称之为直通音乐的最短途径(从耳朵到麦克风)。

在我听来,DAVE的耳机输出,甚至比接入音箱系统,更体现一些自身特点:那是一种透明度、力度、速度、控制力兼备的声音。第一次搭配T1 MK2耳机,我惊讶于ATC音箱的空间细节竟然比不上耳机,从未感受过如此强烈的现场气场与3D互动感。值得为DAVE找一副搭配素质出众又不缺低频衬托的耳机,感受和弦顶级调音的绝妙。


数字音量是如今的潮流,许多解码品牌,都宣称自己的音量控制,通过算法或模拟线路,可以替代高等级的前级。然而现实残酷,选择ATC SCA-2前级,是我对比过EAR、势必草等知名前级后的选择,较为适合我的房间环境与平衡度喜好,多年来无法被解码数字音量所取代。

DAVE第一次直连ATC 50ASLT,我是失望的。声音厚密,火气偏大,层次感有所损失。但我调整搭配后发现,之前的很多周边配件,都有过于浓厚有力的倾向。为了弥补房间声学也好,个人喜好也罢,现在变得多此一举了。直推的尝试一波三折,但最后的结果,是我决定卖掉ATC前级。前级能拉宽音场,低频的量感较多。而鲜活、透明、纵深感和层次感就是直推的强项,原先系统中显松散的钢琴左手段重现也变得流畅。和弦小饭盒直推一对大喇叭,如此违和的现代感组合!系统的性价比又提升了,可谓是意外之喜吧。



和弦近年的解码,数字输入范围都做得极广,从44 kHz到768 kHz,从DXD 到四倍 DSD支持,全都没有问题。值得一体的是,这次为了完美回放DSD,和弦为DAVE全新编写了两套独立的解码算法,充分发挥出新一代FPGA性能。需要DAVE选DSD模式并等待一秒,切换到专属的算法。声音之妙,找机会试下便知。即使不切换,在标准的PCM模式下,DAVE也是可以回放DSD音乐的。




USB线:随机线、Entreq挑战者、AIM UA3
两种墙插:381Au老款、EAGLE 8200
排插或电处:音乐丝带QB4 MK2(QED参考总线插381Au)、日本中村160w隔离牛等
电源线:随机线、Jorma、Stealth、Tiglon、分析家、NBS、Naim机线,Gotham 2.5平方DIY线等


DAVE直插Eagle 8200墙插、其他设备接入音乐丝带QB4 MK2。USB线选择了场面宽广的Entreq,随机线素质较弱,但也耐听。而电源线中,Stealth Straight的表情刻画、NBS Omega2的宁静饱满、Naim机线的低火气表现我都挺喜欢。为DAVE选择最合适好听的周边,值得!



本文链接: http://chordip.immuno-online.com/view-694045.html

发布于 : 2021-03-24 阅读(0)